St Andrew's

   St Bridget's

     & St Nicholas

Church and Community

The village is a rich environment in many ways, apart from the life of the church. It has lots of amenities including a primary care practice, a dental practice, a pharmacy, a leisure centre that includes a swimming pool, a post office, a Parish Hall, a coffee shop and even a small theatre.

The church contributes to village life through a number of groups.....

Pastoral Care


St Andrew’s Pastoral Team 

The Pastoral Group supported by the Ministry Team aims to support members of the church family prayerfully through visits, telephone calls and home communion.

Support is focussed on people and families with long term health issues, bereavement, and end of life care.

To access support please contact the Ministry Team, Church Office, Church Wardens or in person by speaking to Heather, Carolyn, Tina or Barbara Harland.

For the whole law is summed up in a single commandment, “You shall love your neighbour as yourself.” Galatians 5.14

Home Communion can be provided on request for those who cannot attend church services. Some church members with poor mobility enjoy the monthly informal Communion at The Meeting Point.


Prayer Groups

Morning Prayer said on Zoom Mondays and Thursdays at 9am.

Morning Prayer said In Person at St Bridget’s, Chelvey on Tuesdays at 9am.

Bible Study on Zoom on Wednesdays at 9.30am.

Backwell Ecumenical Prayer Watch Group held once a month

Prayer Breakfast usually held on the last Saturday in the month at 9am (check the weekly sheet)


Local Charities

Backwell Life (the parent charity of The Meeting Point)

Backwell Educational Foundation

Backwell Foundation

The Parish Hall, Backwell


Groups that meet in Church House

Ladies Group       

Mothers Union

Art Group

Bridge Club

Little Lambs

Groups in the Village

Knitting for others

The Meeting Point (an ecumenical drop-in cafe)


Wider contacts

St Andrew’s is linked with St Andrew’s, Chipulukusu, Ndola, Zambia.

St Andrew’s is a Fairtrade Church and has a bronze eco award.

The Village Magazine started life as St Andrew's Magazine, then became the Parish Magazine. Its current name reflects its mission to engage all churches and community life in the area. A paper version can be obtained from local churches and newsagents free of charge. It is also found online at

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